The Produce Present Situation of Chinese Milk Vetch in Xinyang and the Effect of Using Phosphate Fertilizer to Chinese Milk Vetch 信阳紫云英生产现状及施用磷肥效果试验
Fans noise analysis and its control measure of phosphate fertilizer plant 磷肥厂风机噪声污染原因与控制措施
Effects of phosphate fertilizer on utilization of non-structural carbohydrate in resident tissue of Medicago sativa during the early regrowth stage 磷肥对紫花苜蓿再生过程中根茬组织非结构性碳水化合物利用的影响
Potted trial and lab analysis were used to study the effects of applying phosphate fertilizer in different stages on growth and yield of eggplant. 通过盆栽与室内分析的方法研究了不同时期追施磷肥对茄子生长与产量的影响。
The comprehensive utilization of by-product fluosilicic acid from phosphate fertilizer production is significant in terms of environmental protection, economic efficiency and resource utilization. 磷肥副产氟硅酸的综合利用对环境保护、经济效益、资源利用方面都具有重大意义。
In Morocco, the two sides achieved the intention of cooperation in the issues of expanding the import of phosphate fertilizer and sponsoring symposium for senior officials of developing zones; 在摩洛哥,双方就扩大磷肥进口、举办开发区建设高级官员研讨班等议题达成合作意向;
To discuss some ways to implement circular economy development mode for phosphate fertilizer industry. 讨论了磷肥工业实施循环经济发展模式的几条途径。
Effects of Different Phosphate Fertilizer Application Amount on the Yield and Economic Effect of Rape 不同磷肥施用量对油菜产量及经济效应的影响
Study on Optimal Techniques of White Carbon Black Made from By-product of Phosphate Fertilizer& Silicofluoric Acid by Orthogonal Experiment 正交实验研究磷肥厂副产物氟硅酸制取白炭黑最佳工艺
Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphate Fertilizer on Isoflavone Yield of Red clover 氮磷肥对红三叶中异黄酮产量的影响
On Development of China Phosphate Industry from Investigation on Phosphate Fertilizer Plants in Shandong Province; Application of Water Absorption Technology in Producing Phosphorous Fertilizer by Acid Method 对发展我国磷复肥生产的若干思考&对山东省磷复肥企业的调研水吸收工艺在酸法磷肥生产中的应用
Effects of Phosphate Fertilizer Applied to Topsoil on the Movement and Residual Effect of Nitrate Accumulated in Deep Soil Profile 耕层施磷对土壤剖面深层累积NO3~&N运移及后效的影响
The Effect of Excessive Phosphate Fertilizer on Mineral Nutrient Uptake of Chinese Cabbage Species 过量施用磷肥对白菜类蔬菜吸收矿质养分的影响研究
Effects of excessive phosphate fertilizer on growth and nutrient uptake of rape 过量施磷对油菜吸收矿质养分的影响
Effects of organic-inorganic compound phosphate fertilizer on the composing and transformation of inorganic phosphorus in lime soil was carried out under laboratory incubation condition. 实验室培养条件下,研究了有机复混磷肥对石灰性土壤无机磷组成变化的影响。
He applied phosphate fertilizer in nutrient solution at two levels and at three stages of development. 他在营养液中分两个用量三个发育阶段施入磷肥。
The Effect of Phosphate Fertilizer and Manure on Phosphorus Leaching in Different Phosphorus Levels Soil Study on nitrogen and phosphorus leaching at different fertilizer levels in Phyllostachys praecox stands 磷肥和有机肥对不同磷水平土壤磷渗漏影响研究不同施肥处理对雷竹林土壤氮、磷渗漏流失的影响
Feed-grade calcium hydrogen phosphate was prepared by defluorination and neutralization method with wastewater in phosphate fertilizer plant, diatomite, sodium chloride and lime milk as raw materials. 以磷肥厂废水、硅藻土、氯化钠和石灰乳为原料,采用脱氟与中和法制备饲料级磷酸氢钙,并通过正交试验优化了工艺条件。
Effects of Inoculation of Rhizobium and Application of Phosphate Fertilizer on Alfalfa "Gongnong No.1" 接种根瘤菌和施磷肥对公农1号紫花苜蓿的影响
Preparation of Sub-micron 4A Molecular Sieve Using Silicon Dregs& an Outgrowth of Phosphate Fertilizer 利用磷肥副产物硅渣制备亚微米4A分子筛
Attach importance to comprehensive utilization of phosphogypsum and promote the sustainable development of phosphate fertilizer industry 重视磷石膏的综合利用促进磷肥工业可持续发展
Analysis on running situation of China's sulphuric acid and phosphate fertilizer industries in the first half of 2009 2009年上半年我国硫酸磷肥行业运行分析
Elementary description of fluorine resource in phosphate fertilizer production and its economic benefits 我国磷肥生产中氟资源的利用及其经济效益
The main material of the phosphate fertilizer is apatite. 这种磷肥的主要原料就是磷灰石。
Preparation of 4A Molecular Sieve from Waste in Phosphate Fertilizer Production 利用磷肥生产废弃物制备4A分子筛
Feasible Analysis of Oxygen-enriched Air Produced During Calcium Magnesium Phosphate Fertilizer Production as Combustion Adjuvant for Energy Conservation 钙镁磷肥生产富氧空气助燃节能可行性分析
Determination of Hydrogen Fluoride in Air in the Progress of Phosphate Fertilizer Production by Ion-Chromatography 离子色谱测定磷肥生产过程中大气污染物中的氟化氢
Ammonification technology of silica production by using waste fluorosilicic acid as by-product of phosphate fertilizer production Study on the Deliming of Deserted Carbon Black in Making a Gas Process from Heavy Oils Burnt 利用磷肥副产氟硅酸制白炭黑的氨化工艺研究重油造气副产废弃炭黑灰分的脱除研究
A demand of nature and quality of phosphate rock for producing different phosphate fertilizer is discussed. 本文讨论了不同磷肥品种的生产对磷矿质量和性质的要求。
Phosphogypsum has been the impact of phosphate fertilizer production technology and safety engineering major problem. 磷石膏一直是影响磷肥生产技术和工程安全的大问题。